Who we are
Worship of God, nurture of one another, and the struggle to be faithful to God’s purposes lie at the centre of our community and our outreach. We affirm that all who seek to live faithfully regardless of ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, race or sexual orientation are full participants and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the church.
As an affirming congregation and a member of the Affirm United movement in the United Church of Canada we affirm the full participation of lesbian/gay/ bi-sexual/ transgender/queer people in our life together.
We are following our Christian faith by helping eradicate systemic racism. We humble ourselves in reflection and take collaborative action to help dismantle racism within our community of Toronto.
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"No matter what you believe, no matter what you don't believe; no matter what you've done, no matter what you've left undone; no matter who you are, no matter who you love - you are welcome here. For this is not the sole domain of the United Church of Canada, nor of Trinity-St. Paul's. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and in Christ's church, everyone is welcome."

Reverend Dr. Cheri DiNovo, Minister

strengthening faith


Worship of God, nurture of one another, and the struggle to be faithful to God’s purposes lie at the centre of our community and our outreach. We affirm that all who seek to live faithfully regardless of ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, race or sexual orientation are full participants and are urged to take full responsibility in the life, membership and leadership of the church.

seeking justice and peace


We seek to be a community of faith that witnesses publicly as a Christian community, takes a stand on issues of social justice, locally and globally and deepens our relationship with the arts community, with other faith communities and with our neighbours.

nurturing the creative spirit


Trinity-St. Paul’s (TSP) Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts is a vibrant community hub in downtown Toronto that has been serving the local and extended neighbourhood for more than 125 years. Today, we are home to 60 organizations – cultural, educational, religious, recreational, community and social service groups.

The Four Circles

The life and work of TSP is realized through four ‘Circles’ – active committees that fulfill the mission of this church.

Worship and Faith Formation

plans meaningful Sunday worship and other special worship experiences and retreats: includes Music and Children’s Church.

Nurturing Community and Discipleship

welcomes newcomers; plans community luncheons and Season for Commitment events in the fall. The Pastoral Care Team provides support for difficult life transitions

Public Witness

stewardship of social justice initiatives, and provides outreach and advocacy in four primary areas: climate justice, anti-racism, Indigenous rights and Middle East justice and peace

Stewardship of Resources

administers the financial affairs of the congregation, and nurtures the practice of stewardship of time, talent and resources

Public Witness

We seek to be a community of faith that witnesses publicly as a Christian community, takes a stand on issues of social justice, locally and globally, and deepens our relationship with the arts community, with other faith communities and with our neighbours.

The Public Witness Circle works on 4 priorities:

Our Climate Justice Group comes from the TSP community and we are deeply concerned about the present and future impacts of climate chaos. We worry that keeping more energy within the Earth’s atmosphere will lead to more intense flooding, droughts, and natural disasters. We are mostly concerned because the people facing the greatest threat from climate chaos are least responsible for the historic emissions and least able to adapt due to the unequal distribution of wealth. Avoiding catastrophic climate chaos is our objective.

We are following our Christian faith by helping eradicate systemic racism. We humble ourselves in reflection and take collaborative action to help dismantle racism within our community of Toronto. 

The settler colonial history of Canada is the story of the dispossession of Indigenous peoples from their land, and the attempt, through a policy of assimilation, to erase Indigenous peoples as distinct spiritual, social, cultural and political communities.

The Indigenous Rights Solidarity Group (IRSG) with members from Bathurst, Bloor Street and Trinity-St. Paul’s, seeks to open ourselves to the truth of this history; to be open to renewed relationships with Indigenous peoples, in a spirit of honesty and humility; and to work in solidarity towards a future of justice, as envisioned in the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Rights.

Peacemaking seeks long term sustainable solutions rather than polite agreements or uneasy and fragile truces to difficult conflicts. Peacemaking seeks to disenfranchise, or confront in a process of controlled escalation, those who seek unfair advantage, who exploit racial or class or gender differences, and who prefer to maintain disparities that favour themselves. The focus on peace making includes initiatives devoted to the Middle East (MEWG), refugees, and restorative justice.

The Church Board is the governing body of the Trinity St. Paul’s United Church congregation. In conjunction with the Church Board, the Building Management Board and Board of Trustees manage the assets and resources that are vital to TSP life.

The Board of Trustees administers the capital assets and finances of TSP.
Our Building Management Board and its staff are developing a sustainable model for our building, signaling our commitment to congregational and community use of our space for decades to come.
The Church Board deliberates on those decisions that direct the spiritual and pastoral life as well as the stewardship and social responsibilities of TSP. It also provides a forum for discussion and planning of the life of the congregation. The Church Board makes final policy decisions and ensures their implementation.


A Heritage on Bloor Street

In 1980, two long-established congregations joined to form Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church.  Founded in 1887 and 1889 respectively, St. Paul’s Avenue Road United Church and Trinity United Church had already contributed nearly 100 years each of dedicated service to the community, each seeking to live the love, justice and freedom of Jesus Christ.

The fulfillment of this mission continues today in a lively and vital atmosphere.  For more than a century, the familiar stone towers of Trinity-St. Paul’s have been a landmark on Bloor Street.  The building represents the congregation’s community outreach for neighbourhood programs, social justice activities, educational forums, support services and the performing arts.  It is open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m, and on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. During the regular season, up to 2,500 people pass through its doors each week.

The History

Built in the Revived Romanesque style, Trinity-St. Paul’s stone was quarried from the Forks of the Credit River.  It is part of the body of work of architect Edmund Burke, whose splendid buildings are so much a part of Toronto’s cityscape.  In recognition of its fine architecture which is revolutionary in its democracy, Trinity-St. Paul’s has been designated as a Heritage Building by the Toronto Historical Board.