Worship and Faith

Our worship at TSP is warm,  inclusive, and grounded in the Christian faith tradition. Sunday mornings are a time to gather together in community, to open ourselves to the presence of God, and to explore the relevance of the Gospel message in our everyday lives. Members of our congregation take regular leadership in worship services through reading scripture, singing in the choir, and writing and offering prayers.

We meet every Sunday for worship at 10:30am, both in-person and on Zoom. All of our services are posted on our YouTube Channel. In addition to Sunday worship, we host a weekly bible study and a bi-weekly prayer and reflection group. Our 30+ member choir rehearses weekly. 

Read on to learn more – we hope you join us.

Zoom link to join Sunday worship: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87307293024

Regular Features of our Church Life:

Worship Services – Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM, in-person and on Zoom. Doors open at 10AM. 

Bible Study – Monday mornings at 10:30AM on Zoom 

Wednesday Evening Prayer and Reflection Group – Bi-weekly, 7 PM, on Zoom

Choir Practice – Thursday evenings at 7 PM

Upcoming special services:

Holy Land Service

On January 26th, we welcome guest speaker Shadia Qubti in this joint service by the Trinity-St. Paul’s, Bathurst, and Bloor Street United Churches. 

Shadia Qubti was born and raised in Nazareth. Shadia has worked on faith based peacebuilding and advocacy initiatives through local and international organizations in Palestine and Israel. Shadia recently completed an M.A. at the Vancouver School of Theology with her thesis, A Theological Conversation between Palestinian and North American Indigenous Understandings of Land. Shadia currently works as a Community Engagement Animator at Trinity Grace United Church in Vancouver.

The service will be followed by a short break, then a Q and A, all online via zoom.  In the break, Palestinian Zatoun olive oil and madjoul dates will be available for purchase. Please join us!

Cornell University Chorale

Also on January 26th, we are joined by the Cornell University Choral who will collaborate with the Trinity-St. Paul’s choir during our 10:30am service. Following the morning Holy Land service, the Cornell University Chorale will perform a free concert at 2:30pm, also at Trinity-St. Paul’s! We hope you can join us!

Children's Church Program

Our Children’s Church program is for children ages 4 and up. It takes place in the Memorial Room (off the Narthex) at Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church from 10:30-11:30AM.  Your child is welcome to attend on a weekly or on a drop-in basis!

Our teachers, Jeorgina Taganas and Lucy Nhung Ngo, are warm and engaging. Our Children’s Church uses the new United Church curriculum, “The GO Project”, which you can read more about here. Our Children’s Church time includes stories, games, arts and crafts, and more! 

This program is a great way for children to make new friendships, learn about  faith, and have lots of fun. 

For more information, contact Jeorgina at rosenkim@yahoo.com

I’m new to church. What can I expect?

Coming to church for the first time (or for the first time in a long time) can be intimidating! We are so glad that you are considering joining us to worship. Here is a bit of what you can expect on Sunday mornings: 

The church doors open at 10am, and service starts at 10:30. Arrive a few minutes early to settle in. The main doors we use on Sunday mornings are those closest to Bloor and Robert Streets. There is an accessible entrance off Bloor Street a bit further west. Every week, a dedicated greeter (or two!) will welcome you at the door and offer you a bulletin. Feel free to let the greeters know you are new here!

At TSP, music is an important aspect of our worship life. Our Director of Music, 30+ member choir, and soloists sing a diverse repertoire, and including United Church hymns (i.e. Voices United, More Voices) as well as classical, world, and jazz music. 

Each week, members of our congregation take turns offering the land acknowledgement, reading scripture passages, and  offering prayers of the people. Sometimes we have periods of silence for contemplative prayer, where still the mind in order to open ourselves to the presence of God. A freewill offering is incorporated into the service each week.

On the first Sunday of every month, we partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our approach to Communion is one of radical welcome – that is, everyone is welcome at Christ’s table, whether you are baptized or not, and whether or not you call yourself a Christian! All are welcome at Christ’s table.

After service, we gather in the Narthex (the foyer attached to the Sanctuary) for coffee and treats. You are warmly invited to stay and say hello! You will find our community welcoming, curious, and engaging. No matter where you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you here to grow in faith and in community. Welcome!